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Minggu, 18 Maret 2012
HPV linked to rise in oral cancers
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Oral cancer cases in the UK have risen to more than 6,000 a year for the first time, new figures from Cancer Research UK show.
Experts think an increase in human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, transmitted through oral sex, are behind the rise.
Oral cancer rates in the UK have risen by around a quarter in the last 10 years, from around six to eight cases per 100,000 people. Around two thirds of cases occur in men.
Smoking and alcohol are major risk factors for oral cancer. But oral cancers tend to take at least a decade to develop, and smoking rates in the UK have more than halved in the past 30 years.
Experts say that an increase in alcohol consumption by Brits cannot fully explain the rise in oral cancer rates, suggesting other factors are involved.
Up to eight out of 10 people in the UK are infected with HPV at some point in their lives. Many strains of the virus are harmless, and the infections often get better without treatment. However, a few "high-risk" strains, such as HPV-16, can persist and cause cell changes which can develop into cancer.
Experts have noted particularly sharp rises in the incidence rates of cancers at the base of the tongue (an almost 90% increase) and the tonsil (around a 70% increase) – two areas of the mouth where cancers are more commonly HPV-related.
Richard Shaw, an expert in head and neck cancers at the Liverpool Cancer Research UK Centre, said: "We have seen a rapid increase in the number of HPV16-positive cases of oral cancer.
"We have also noticed that patients with HPV-related oral cancers tend to be younger, are less likely to be smokers and have better outcomes from treatment than those whose tumours show no evidence of HPV."
Sara Hiom, director of information at Cancer Research UK, said: "It's worrying to see such a big rise in oral cancer rates. But like many other cancers, if oral cancer is caught early, there is a better chance of successful treatment.
"So it's really important for people to know the signs and symptoms of oral cancer - mainly mouth ulcers that just won’t heal, any lumps or thickening in the mouth, lips or throat, or red or white patches in the mouth that won’t go away.
"It’s not just doctors who have a vital role to play. If you’re worried about any of these symptoms you can see your dentist as well.
"Dentists have an important role to play in spotting oral cancer early and encouraging their patients to take care of their mouths. So make sure you attend regular dental check-ups."
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